For transport operators - Cło po Brexicie - ENS, S&S GB - FF Customs & Logistics
Opening hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Felixstowe, United Kingdom
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm
+44 01394547529
Felixstowe, United Kingdom

For transport operators

For weeks now you have been concerned that from January 2022 all customs clearance will have to be declared before entering the UK. When you add to this the fact that very often the goods being carried are destined for multiple destinations and therefore multiple import declarations will be required for a single shipment, and the fact that most vehicles enter the UK at the weekend when the customs agencies are closed, you can already expect to see lorries/vans waiting for hours at the border until the customs declarations have been lodged by the different agencies. Delays in clearance mean lost time, money and unnecessary stress.

By starting cooperation now, you can be sure that your goods will smoothly cross the border and you will have more time to run your business instead of struggling with bureaucracy. 

Does your current agency guarantee that from January 2022 your company will be treated with priority and you will always receive your declarations on time? With us you do not have to worry about that!  We are aware of the fact that international transport does not stop at 4 p.m. on Fridays, that is why we also work on weekends and in case of any problems we are available 24/7. With us your declarations will never wait until Monday!